Friday, November 6, 2009

Winter is Coming

Well winter is just around the corner and with it comes the end of paintball for the year. Supergame 39 in May is the next scenario game we have planned but come spring we will probably start back up again with some smaller woodsball games and maybe a scenario or two before Supergame.

Hopefully we will be able to use the break to stock up on some much needed camping equipment and fill in what paintball gear we need individually.

Until the New Year the site will probably be slower than it has been since we started but I will try to get some updates throughout the break.

Also, Eagle Squad’s fantasy football league has been a blast so far. There are only six of us playing but we all seem to be having a good time.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Blackhawk Down Debriefing

Eagle Squad headed out this morning at 6am to make their way to Salem for Blackhawk Down. The game went well and we all had a great time, rain be damned.

The game consisted of four scenarios. The first was an hour long with the last three being only 35 minutes. Eagle Squad was on the Rebel Somalian team this time around with our friends from Crossfire and Edge Zer0 on the American team. At the end of the day the scenarios were split 2-2 with the Rebels winning the second and third and the Americans winning the first and last.

All in all a great scenario game. One that we are looking forward to next year.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Eagle Squad Meeting and BHD Guest Update

This Wednesday we will be getting together to discuss the future of Eagle Squad and some Blackhawk Down specifics. Mainly trying to figure out who all can make it to the game(hopefully all of us!).

On the subject of Blackhawk Down attendance, it looks like some friends and even friends of friends are thinking of attending. Hopefully they can all make it. I hear there is even going to be a facebook event made to get the word out!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blackhawk Down Turnout

We have extended our feelers a bit and it looks like more people than expected are interested in going down to the game. Hopefully the whole team will make it down and it would not be too far fetched to think that we could have up to 10 guests head down as well. In the next few weeks we will have a chance to see how many of the "I'm really interested" people turn into "I'm definitely going" people.

Either way fun should be had.

See you there.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blackhawk Down 2009

The next big event coming up in the area is Warpaint's Blackhawk Down III. Eagle Squad is planning on attending this year, hopefully in full force. Right now it looks like most of the team will be there with maybe a guest or two. We are trying to get some more of our friends into paintball and what better way than showing them how a senario game works.

If you are interested in signing up for Blackhawk Down you can follow the link here.

Hopefully we will see you there.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Busy Lately

Have not had much time to paintball or do any posting. This last week one of our members was in the 2009 13-15 year old Babe Ruth Baseball World Series so we were pretty busy going to games and entertaining our 4 Host Kids from Colonie, NY: Doug, Chris, Tommy, and Josh.

Now that baseball is over and we still have some summer left hopefully we can get a game or two in.

Until next time.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Tippmann Parts Update

Just heard back from Tippmann Parts and our Ad is also up on their site. You can check it out along with the ads of their other affiliates here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Affiliate Status

As you can probably tell we have some new ads on our site. We have just signed up as an affiliate for TippmannParts! Go to their website through one of our ads and we will receive a percentage of any purchase you make.

Three Markers on the Market

We have just put three more guns up on ebay!

1. BT-16 tactical paintball marker including 4X1 podpack, 4 pods, and C02 bottle (here)

2. BT-4 combat paintball marker including 4X1 podpack, 4 pods, C02 bottle and adjustable stock (here)

3. Electronic Paintball Marker including pod carrier, 4 pods, and a Ricochet AK Rhino Hopper (here)

Friday, August 7, 2009

Eagle Squad Journal-Friday

Friday morning came early for some of us as we managed to stay on schedule and leave Longview at 10:00 AM. After pit stops in Vancouver to buy gear and North Wilsonville to close a craigslist sale we finally made it to the field. Setting up camp and getting our gear prepared for the big game on Saturday left us plenty of time to hang around camp and twiddle our thumbs before dinner at 6:00 PM (turned out to be 8:00 PM). Roasted chicken, garlic bread, miscellaneous veggies, and cookies made for a great dinner. Rambo, Chris, and David all decided to take part in the night game; I felt that sitting at camp would lead to fewer bodily injuries. Thanks in no small part to the Eagle Squad members on the field, the Red Team took the night game 200-100.

After packing up some of our gear and making the drive back to the hotel Eagle Squad was able to tuck in around 1:30 AM.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Supergame Video 1: Base Camp

Here is a video take by Rambo of Eagle Squad's base camp at Supergame 38:

Red Team Victory Photo

Chris (Middle Left) and the rest of the Red Team representatives with our victory plaques

Monday, August 3, 2009

Super Game 38

Great time made some new friends looking forward to next game and playing with Edge Zero again.

Blogroll Addition

Just added to our Blogroll is Edge Zer0, a blog by a team we met at Supergame 38. They are a great bunch of guys, take some time to visit their site.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

More Supergame 38 Posts

Supergame 38 is over. We had a great time this weekend and will hopefully be getting some posts up this week reflecting on the weekend and our first Supergame as an official scenario team. Check back in later this week to catch the updates.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Supergame 38: One Day Away

Almost done packing for Supergame 38. Planning on heading out around 10am which should give us some time to make a few stops and still get there around the time the gates open.

See you there.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Eagle Squad in Action





Sunday, July 5, 2009


Just in time for Supergame 38 Eagle Squad Paintball has found its first sponsor. Big thanks to the people over at Watch Your Back Productions!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Supergame 38

Eagle Squad Paintball will be attending Supergame 38 July 31 through August 1.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Coming Soon

Welcome to the future home of Eagle Squad Paintball's blog!