Friday, August 7, 2009

Eagle Squad Journal-Friday

Friday morning came early for some of us as we managed to stay on schedule and leave Longview at 10:00 AM. After pit stops in Vancouver to buy gear and North Wilsonville to close a craigslist sale we finally made it to the field. Setting up camp and getting our gear prepared for the big game on Saturday left us plenty of time to hang around camp and twiddle our thumbs before dinner at 6:00 PM (turned out to be 8:00 PM). Roasted chicken, garlic bread, miscellaneous veggies, and cookies made for a great dinner. Rambo, Chris, and David all decided to take part in the night game; I felt that sitting at camp would lead to fewer bodily injuries. Thanks in no small part to the Eagle Squad members on the field, the Red Team took the night game 200-100.

After packing up some of our gear and making the drive back to the hotel Eagle Squad was able to tuck in around 1:30 AM.


  1. 25 kills for me just in their white building on the tree side. LOL even with a glow stick, no one saw me. Good times...good times...

  2. Hey guys I got our forums up. come check em out!

  3. It was a blast getting to play along side you guys at SG38. Thank you so much for your hard work. Our August Crossfire event is this coming weekend at our field in Newberg. You guys are welcome to join us any time it works out for your schedule. Visit for more details. We'll hope to see you guys on the field again soon, and with any luck we'll have you at our side again for SG39.

    God bless,
    Crossfire Paintball

  4. Xaber,

    I dont think that we will make it this month but we are definitely going to try and get up there sometime. We just need to find a time when all of our schedules line up which seems to be getting harder and harder to do. It would be cool though to go and try out your field.

    Our first act of recruiting. Your our first invite!

  6. I'm back! Hope you guys can join us again this time around. Drop me an e-mail at
