2011 is already here and its time to start thinking about the new paintball season. Right now we are still taking it pretty easy but there are some plans in the works for this year. We are already talking about adding a few members to Eagle Squad proper. In addition to the new "official" Eagle Squad members we will have quite a few new friends to bring out to Supergame 41. It is funny to think that this time last year we were only 5 strong (only able to have 4 at Supergame 39 at one time) and this year it looks like we will have 8-10 members with an additional 10-15 friends coming with us to SuperGame 41.
Just this week we were able to get set up as an official
RAP4 dealer which is just great. My dad has been a pretty big proponent of their brand over the past year and its nice to be able to sell their merchandise. Drop us a line if you see anything on their website you'd like. We have drop shipping available.
Well...I think that is about all the news that we have around here. Come March we will be starting to work on our field as well as beginning our weekly games to warm up for SG 41 and (hopefully) another Yellow Team victory.